Quick Welding Adhesive & Adhesive Filler TURBO-TWIN
General characteristics
- The two products are used in collaboration to enhance bonding and strengthen delicate joints with uneven and uneven surfaces.
- Welded parts must be left intact for a few minutes without testing if they are stuck together
- The time it takes for the weld to become fully compact depends on the material
- It rubs
- It is dyed
- Fast, stable and secure gluing
- Transparent & Waterproof glue
- Suitable for many materials
- Packaging: Turbo-Twin: 10gr - Filler: 15gr
Wood, iron, aluminum, bronze, copper, porcelain, marble, ceramic, tile, plastic, ABS, PMMA, PVC, plexiglass, polystyrene, rubber, neoprene, paper, leather, ebony, bakelite, gold, silver, crystal , precious stones, faux bijoux, etc.