High quality new technology paint. It stands out for its strong adhesion to new or old substrate, its great coverage and water vapor permeability. It forms a water-impermeable membrane that maintains its elasticity from -20ºC to +80ºC. It does not saponify and acts as an effective carbonation barrier. It has excellent resistance to adverse weather conditions and UV radiation. It is ideal for any type of external or internal surface made of concrete, plaster, cement board, gypsum board, on surfaces subject to frequent cleaning, as it has a high resistance to washing (ten times more than usual acrylic paints), without emulsifying. It ensures unique resistance to buildings in coastal and mountainous areas. Certified 'cool' paint by the University of Athens, as an acrylic, polyurethane paint for exterior surfaces. Tinted in all PALs (shades) through the DUROSTICK Color Collection Tinting System. It is also colored in 120 DUROCOLOR shades.
Performance Approximately: 10-12m²/lt per layer, depending on texture, surface absorbency and application method.
Packaging: 750ml - 3lt - 10lt